How Many Kettlebell Swings Per Day?

How Many Kettlebell Swings Per Day

How Many Kettlebell Swings Per Day? The answer is 100.

Let us explain this question so that you can reap the benefits of daily kettlebell swings.

The kettlebell swing is a full-body workout that focuses on the posterior chain, or the back half of your body.

  • Hamstrings
  • Butt
  • Back
  • Shoulders

Swings are an exercise that can be done on a daily basis without causing overuse issues, as long as you don’t go too heavy with double kettlebell swings.

I’ll get back to that in a minute, though.

Would I recommend doing kettlebell swings every day?

Yes. Perhaps it would be preferable to focus for 30 days as a mini-challenge for yourself.

Such an approach would make it more enjoyable because you could focus on going heavier or incorporate more dramatic swing types, such as shadow swings.

However, upon reflection, my perspective changes.

Kettlebell swings are an excellent warm-up or “wake-up” workout if you need to get your body moving.

(For example, to wake up your body in the morning.)

I’ll tell you about it in a minute and then give you some challenges and kettlebell swing movement ideas.

First, Are You Crazy Sore?

This rule applies to all aspects of fitness and movement.

If you’re extremely sore from the prior day or two of workouts…

Take the day off to work on mobility, stretching, and healing.

Allow your body to mend and get stronger.

So if you do 100 swings one day… then the next you’re incredibly sore.

Step 1

Take a day off and rest. Stretch your hips and back. Move your body and allow your muscles to recover.

Step 2

To enhance blood flow, perform very light swings or bodyweight deadlifts. Remember that moving your joints is as vital as stretching.

Second, are you saying mobile?

Most of us have “normal” lives.

Your job may require long periods of sitting at work or home.

Perhaps your job demands you be on your feet all day.

In either case, poor posture will eventually cripple your body.

You must be mobile and stretch on a regular basis.

Stretching comes to mind for me in a different context than yoga.

Think about stretching like this…

Move your joints in as many new directions and with as large movements as you can. I will address the issue in a separate post.

I mention these factors because if you’re going to perform swings every day, you should counteract the repetitive activity.

Make sure you’re moving your body in various ways. Your body will reward you.

30-Day Kettlebell Swing Challenges

Here are some fun methods to create small kettlebell swing challenges.

I would advocate something like this over merely performing X number of swings per day.

Simple and Sinister Style

Pavel Tsatsouline is credited with introducing kettlebells to the United States and making them popular.

He offers a simple but challenging workout called Simple and Sinister. Appropriate name.

This exercise is an excellent workout to complete over the period of 30 days.

The complete workout takes around 20 minutes, but you can easily break it up throughout the day.

Part 1:

  • 100 swings
  • There are ten repetitions per set.
  • After each set of ten, you must back off the kettlebell.

To help pace your sets, consider this:

Take three giant steps back, then come back in and repeat the next ten.

Another “quick rest” technique I employ is to walk a circle around your kettlebell, then start the following set.

The emphasis is on technique and maintaining the “hard” or “intense” aspect of your swings.

Part 2: (Optional in our instance)

  • Perform five get-ups per side.
  • Alternate sides for each outfit.

If you know how to do a get-up, include this. Get-ups are excellent for improving strength and joint control.

100 Swings for Time.

It’s pretty straightforward, but be sure of one thing…

There are no clumsy swings.

If you lose:

  • Power
  • Balance
  • The capacity to lock out from the top
  • You should have the ability to keep your shoulders packed.

Stop and rest, or lower the kettlebell weight.

This is my strategy for the task.

Step 1: Start with 15 repetitions. This is my maximum when going heavy and quickly while maintaining proper form.

Step 2: Perform 6 rounds of 15 repetitions. Remember to focus on form, and if you need to adjust your numbers, do so!

Step 3: Finish with a last set of ten… hard… swings!

If you need to reduce the number of sets to 10, 8, or 6, do so.

Time out how long it takes you to finish each of those sets.

You’re improving your endurance and ability to control tiredness while moving a large weight.

I’d stick with the same six sets of 15 and one set of ten for the entire month. You can also choose any rep and set combination you prefer.

By the finish, you’ll notice a significant change in strength and endurance.

10 Swings 10 Different Times Per Day

This task is a daily movement challenge.

These are the rules.

  • There are only ten swings per session.
  • There should be at least one hour between workouts.

This workout requires easy access to a kettlebell. And you’ll need to plan how you’ll do it.

The goal is to motivate oneself to move more during the day.

Furthermore, the movement is more efficient.

And to see how simple it may be to obtain more quality activity throughout the day.

Imagine if, as a society, we were as concerned with performing 100 kettlebell swings each day as we are with completing 10,000 steps.

Everyone would be in excellent shape and considerably healthier.

5 Kettlebell Swing Approaches

Try some of the difficulties listed above.

Here are five ways to spice up your swings. You can use these during the challenges to change things up and improve your deficiencies.

1. Kettlebell Swing Warm-Up and Juice Up

I enjoy doing a light kettlebell and swings to warm up for the day.

I call them “soft swings.”

I begin by not hip-hinging as much. I’m not concerned about getting the kettlebell extremely high.

Soft swings are utilized to wake up the body and increase blood flow.

I also enjoy doing this when I’ve been sitting at my work for a long time. I stand up and perform some gentle swings to get my body going.

Then I’ll perform 30 vigorous swings to increase my heart rate.

2. Go Heavy

Simple enough. Use HEAVY kettlebells for the ultimate kettlebell swing challenge.

Simply make sure you’re warmed up. If you need a refresher on kettlebell swing technique, begin with the kettlebell deadlift.

3. Go Light for Training

Go light and feel your swing.

Light swings for higher repetitions can be really beneficial. The idea is to avoid overpowering the kettlebell.

Rather, feel the weight and adapt your power accordingly. This is an excellent technique to test your form.

Pay attention to swing queues like this:

  • Are you remaining balanced?
  • Are the correct muscles doing the work?
  • How is your head positioned?
  • What do your hip hinges look like?

Light swings are excellent form checks, but they can also be used as an active break during a strenuous workout.

4. Go Double

Swing with two kettlebells.

Now you may go SUPER HEAVY. This method is by far the most intense variant of the kettlebell swing.

Form Tip

Take a wider stance.

Even if you’re not practicing double kettlebell swings, I recommend altering your stance width.

See if a wider fit is appropriate for your physique.

When you go double, you have to go wider to make room. I bet a broader stance will improve your swing technique.

Try it and see how you feel.

5. Go MisMatch

Grab two different kettlebells of varying sizes. One heavy, one light.

I adore this offset. This forces your body to adjust to being unbalanced.

Consider this: most of life is unbalanced; you must be able to achieve your balance.

We all have weak sides because our bodies are unbalanced.

If you simply trained for complete balance, you would never achieve true equilibrium in your body.

Train as many mismatched pairs as possible.

In Summary—How Many Swings Should You Do Per Day?

The daily recommendation is 40-50 kettlebell swings, but consider using four 30-day challenges throughout the year, focusing on kettlebell swings for four months. Fitness tools like kettlebells can help your body become strong and fit, making them an effective tool for overall fitness.


What does doing 100 kettlebell swings a day do?

Kettlebell swings are a very efficient approach to strengthening the posterior chain muscles, which include the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. This exercise works your core muscles as well.

Do kettlebell swings flatten the stomach?

Yes, the kettlebell swing works your abs and several other muscular groups. While the kettlebell swing primarily targets the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings, and lower back), the core muscles, notably the abs, play an important function in maintaining your body throughout the activity.

Can you get fit just by doing kettlebell swings? 

When performed correctly, the modest kettlebell swing provides a full-body exercise. They not only strengthen the posterior chain (the muscles along the back of the body) and boost your heart rate quickly, but they also work the legs, arms, and core.

Are kettlebells better than running? 

Kettlebell workouts offer more efficiency and variety than running, including swings, goblet squats, Turkish get-ups, and snatches, allowing for simultaneous strength training and body conditioning, despite the potential benefits of running.

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